Friday, June 12, 2009

Wellington Boot History

The Wellington boot is also known as the gum boot, rubber boot or the most popular term in the UK is "wellie" The wellington is associated with Arthur Wellesley, the first Duke of Wellington, the Iron Duke as he was known started the trend in the early 19th century. The boots proved very popular with the gentlemen of the time and very quickly became a fashion item.

The original boots were made of leather and it was not until 1852 that the first rubber wellingtons were manufactured, Hiram Hutchinson bought the patent to manufacture rubber wellingtons from Charles Goodyear who manufactured the first rubber tires.

Over the years wellington production and design have changed, however, they still serve the same purpose as they always have, that is to keep the feet dry.

Wellingtons have now moved full circle and are once again fashion items.

I NEED to pick up a pair of these !!!

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