Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Meaning Of Snowflake

The Meaning Of Snowflake

Every new snowflake comes to the earth
as a picture of our Savior's birth,
because they are sent from up above
and reminds us of God's care and love.

Each one is so intricate and small
because Christ sees the details of us all,
and just as two are never the same the
Lord knows and calls us each by name.

Snowflakes gently cover the world in white
and hide what's unlovely from our site,
showing us how He covers our sin
and gives us His Grace when we come to Him.

so may every snowflake bring Christ to mind
and in every bit of white may you find
a reason to celebrate anew
and a reminder of His love for you.
- Holley Gerth

Praying your Christmas
and New Year are filled
with God's
many blessings.

From the fullness of His grace we have
all received one blessing after another.
John 1:16

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas In Tokyo

On Christmas Eve 2003, noted painter Makoto Fujimura gathered with other artists for a party at Sato Museum in Tokyo. Many had donated their works for a benefit exhibit to raise money for children in Afghanistan. After the meal, Mr. Fujimura, an ardent Christian who lives in New York, shared some words about the true meaning of Christmas and their opportunity as artists to create works that help bring hope into the world.

Reflecting on that event, Fujimura wrote: “I was convinced, that evening in Tokyo, that Jesus invited Himself to be among artists who may not even know His name. Some of these artists, I suspect, have already sensed His presence in their studios as they labored to create peace via their paintings. All gifts of creativity, like the Magi’s [star], point straight to a stable in Bethlehem.”

Paul said that God is at work among people of all nations “so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:27-28).

We should be alert for the Lord’s presence where we least expect to see Him. Jesus may invite Himself to any Christmas party. After all, it’s His birthday. - David C. McCasland

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Ice Hotel Quebec

Outside Quebec City, Canada, there is an extraordinary place called Hotel De Glace —
Ice Hotel. This hotel is constructed entirely of ice and snow. Over 15,000 tons of snow and 5,000 tons of ice was used for this amazing building. Inside, everything - walls, tables, seats - is carved from ice and snow.

This remarkable hotel offers a nice cosy sauna area and you’ll be given a freshly-heated sleeping bag at bedtime to ensure you don’t get too chilly.

Hotel is open in winter time. The 9th season of the Ice Hotel will be from January 4th through March 29th 2009. Here is some photos from the 8th season. Oh, in April, the whole thing melts down, to be rebuilt again the following year.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Furoshiki Wrapping Two Uneven Bottles

Here's another pretty and artful way of wrapping your presents for the holidays.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Lovely Gift Idea

Here's a lovely gift idea for the holidays. I just adore these tea sets and they're from Tea Forté

Saturday, December 13, 2008

God's Faithfulness

As the rain comes down, and the snow from
heaven,.... so shall My word be.
Isiah 55:10-11

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


The furoshiki is a very nice and environmentally supportive way to wrap and transport items. Furoshiki is an essential tool of daily life in Japan, often used instead of a bag, or for storing articles and other domestic uses. Larger furoshiki are also used as a tablecloth, for decorating the wall, as a scarf, or for making a unique Japanese dress. Furoshiki is very versatile and can be used in many ways.

In Japan, the presentation of a gift is just as important as the gift. Furoshiki is used for wrapping articles such as a special present in Japan. Compliments of the season or feelings of thanks are often conveyed with such a traditional present. The pattern of the cloth is designed so it displays beautifully when wrapped. Wrapping is important in Japan, an indication of politeness, dignity and an added note of respect in a nation that values indirect communication. Someone who borrows an umbrella might return it wrapped in a cheery cotton furoshiki, for example. Wrappings are also meant to conform with the value of the gift and the formality of the situation. Members of Japan's parliament carry documents in big purple furoshiki instead of briefcases. Elderly women tuck a furoshiki in their kimono sleeve, unfolding it to carry home the day's groceries.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Detox Fitness Plan

Get rid of accumulated toxins with a plan that gives your self-cleaning lymphatic system a natural boost. With things running smoothly in the lymphatic system, you can clean the slate and make a healthy start. Practice this 4-step sequence every day for at least two weeks -- and enjoy your new found vitality.

Standing Twist

This physically challenging twist will also raise your body temperature, which in turn increases circulation and further stimulates the release of toxins. Start in a runner's lunge with your right leg bent at a 90-degree angle and your left leg extending straight back behind you, hands on either side of your right foot. Lower your left knee to the floor, and bring your hands into prayer position (palms touching). Take a breath, then exhale, rotating your upper body to the right and bringing your left elbow to the outside edge of your right knee. Stay here for 5 breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Nose To Knee Plank 1

This exercise brings heat to the digestive tract, burning up accumulated toxins and making them easier for the body to dispose of. Start in Downward Facing Dog (shown here). Then transfer your weight forward into the top of a push-up (shown in the next photo).

Nose To Knee Plank 2

Bring your right knee into your chest and try to touch your nose to that knee. Pull your belly in and hold for 15 seconds. Switch sides.

Seated Tree

This forward bend brings fresh blood to the abdomen. Washing away waste products and revitalizing the entire area. Sit on the floor with legs straight out in front of you. Bend your left knee and bring the sole of your left foot to your inner right thigh, letting your left knee drop toward the floor. Lengthen your spine and reach forward to take hold of your right foot or shin. Twist your torso toward your right leg folding forward at the hips over that leg. Stay here for 5-10 deep breaths, then switch legs.

Legs Up The Wall

This exercise encourages drainage of blood and lymphatic fluid from the feet and legs into the abdomen, where these fluids can be more easily cleansed. It also nourishes the digestive organs and gives the circulatory system a rest, which results in increased function and energy. Sit with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and right shoulder and hip touching a wall. Roll onto your back and swing your legs up, inching your butt as close to the wall as you can without straining your hamstrings. Put your arms on your belly, by your sides, or above your head. Stay for 2 minutes.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

For the Christian, thanksgiving is not just a day but a way of life.

True thankfulness is more than being grateful for what we possess. It’s an attitude that permeates our relationship with the Lord so that we may serve Him with gladness and joy.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Table Setting Tips

Easy do-it-yourself centerpieces, place cards, and napkin holders to complete your Thanksgiving table.

Styling by: Heather Tyree, photos: by Steven Torres

In the days that lead up to Thanksgiving, you will likely be busy with last-minute shopping, cabinet inventories, brining the turkey, and baking pies. Table settings become an afterthought, cobbled together at the last minute—a bouquet of generic flowers from the grocery store, a haphazard arrangement of seasonal pumpkins and gourds from a local green market, a dusty set of candelabra dug out of the drawer.

Instead of relying on old standbys, do something different this year. Many of the simple table setting ideas that follow can be put together in advance, using materials that you already have on hand, and with a little help from your kids. Search through your cabinets, raid your craft drawer, pick up a few extra supplies on your Thanksgiving grocery run, and get creative.

Vase Centerpieces
Fill glass vases with layers of colorful dried legumes (this would also work with dried fruits or nuts). Scavenge your pantry or visit a local supermarket to find more unusual varieties. Choose different shapes, sizes, and textures for an appealing arrangement. After you have poured in the first layers of beans, lentils, and peas, place a pillar candle in the middle of the vase so that the wick is at just about the same height as the rim. While this simple, modern take on yesteryear's overflowing cornucopias will last an entire season, the beans can also be recycled and put to use—along with Thanksgiving leftovers—in a hearty soup.

Place Cards
For a simple, beautiful way to display place cards, revisit your dining room cupboard and seek out small, clear glass bud vases, shot glasses, votive candleholders, or finger bowls—an assortment of shapes and sizes will add visual appeal to the table. Fill the gathered vessels halfway with colorful dried legumes (consider matching these to your centerpiece). Small cuttings from a seasonal branch or blossom will add height and detail to these miniature arrangements—a shaft of wheat, a small branch of dried berries, or a sprig of fake silk flowers in autumnal colors will do. Feel free to get creative; we cut out small birds from old pieces of cardboard and attached them to floral wire. Balance
name plates within the branches, or place them up against the

Napkin Holders You don't need a set of season-specific napkin rings for Thanksgiving. Tie sprigs of herbs to a folded napkin using twine, or wrap rings of real berries threaded on floral wire around the napkin (you can also use stalks of fake berries, fall blossoms, or inexpensive bracelets and bangles).

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cost Friendly Thanksgiving Table

Here's a Thanksgiving table that's just as lovely but very cost friendly.
Tap into a bold autumn color palette of vibrant orange, rich chocolate, and earthy shades of green for a modern take on your Thanksgiving celebration this year.

The always contemporary-and-affordable cb2 sets a gorgeous fall-friendly tablescape with comma plates ($0.95 - $1.95 ea) in orange, green, and bark (brown) giant monstera leaves, and trendy square Edge Dinnerware ($3.95-$5.95).

An alternative table layout using the same comma plates and Edge Dinnerware, pictured with cb2’s seamless orange Scroll Tray, which is perfect for serving up signature drinks or appetizers and adds a bright pop of color for only $14.95!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Immunity Booster

Cranberries, citrus, and pomegranates all harbor antioxidants such as vitamin C that boost your immunity -- perfect for when you feel a cold or flu coming on.

Pomegranate Sparkler
  • 1 cup pomegranate juice
  • 1 stick cinnamon
  • 2 cups sparkling mineral water
  • Frozen whole cranberries
  1. In a small saucepan, heat pomegranate juice to near boiling, add cinnamon stick, and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool completely, at least 1 hour. Remove cinnamon stick. Divide the spiced juice between 2 tall glasses; add 1 cup sparkling mineral water to each glass. Stir, add ice, and serve with a garnish of frozen cranberries.

Cranberry Grapefruit Sparkler
  • 1 cup cranberry juice
  • 1 cup grapefruit juice
  • 1 cup sparkling mineral water
  • Juice of 1/2 lime
  1. Combine ingredients in 2 tall glasses, adding 1/2 cup of each juice, 1/2 cup sparkling mineral water, and a squeeze of lime to each glass. Stir, add ice, and serve with a slice of lime.

Both recipes makes 2 glasses.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Shark Tonic

Have you ever heard of shark “tonic”? It isn’t a serum that prevents shark attacks or a medicine given to sharks. The actual term is “tonic immobility,” described as “a natural state of paralysis that animals enter. . . . Sharks can be placed in a tonic immobility state by turning them upside down or rubbing their nose. The shark remains in this state of paralysis for an average of 15 minutes before it recovers.”

Imagine, a dangerous shark can be made vulnerable simply by turning it upside down. The state of tonic immobility makes the shark incapable of movement.

Sin is like that. Our ability to honor our Lord, for which we are created in Christ, can be put into “tonic immobility” by the power and consequences of sin. To that end, the writer of Hebrews wants us to be proactive. He wrote, “Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Heb. 12:1).

If we are to run the race of the Christian life effectively, we must deal with sin before it immobilizes us. We need to lay aside the sin that hinders us from pleasing Him—starting today. — Bill Crowder

Friday, November 7, 2008

Echoes Of Tuscany

Channeling the Italian Countryside in New England

Architecture: Steven F. Haas
Interior Design: LST
Landscape Design: Renny Reynolds