Jesus turned water into wine

Last Friday night around 10 pm my husband and I met with a good friend who had just finished doing a show at Hotel Sofitel. We proceeded to the bar area of the hotel's lobby lounge where there was live piano and vocals playing the old standards.... lovely.
We were having casual conversations over a glass of wine. On a normal basis my husband and I would only drink wine to enjoy with a meal. But on occasions like this we take heed to God's word... And be not drunk in wine, wherein is excess... - Eph 5:18
Along our conversations we suddenly came to the topic where Jesus turned water to wine. By the way, our celebrity friend is also a fellow brother in Christ. So we were asking each other, can you imagine how that tasted like? Jesus made THE BEST wine, that's not debatable.
Our fun bible discussion on wine and other topics on life jumped from one verse to the next, and to the next, and so on and so forth until we were jumping back and forth from the old testament to the new. But here's an interesting scenario... Mr. Bartender was listening with intensity. His whole body was leaned forward with his entire arms and elbows on the bar and hands clasped together. His head nodding every now and then like he's absorbing every word. I found that really cute, and I will never forget that picture in my mind.
And guess what? Yesterday at church, the teaching was about "Jesus Changes Water To Wine" - John 2:1-11.
Jesus made approximately 180 gallons of the best wine... which means His provisions are ABUNDANT, and always THE BEST!