Every new snowflake comes to the earth
as a picture of our Savior's birth,
because they are sent from up above
and reminds us of God's care and love.
Each one is so intricate and small
because Christ sees the details of us all,
and just as two are never the same the
Lord knows and calls us each by name.
Snowflakes gently cover the world in white
and hide what's unlovely from our site,
showing us how He covers our sin
and gives us His Grace when we come to Him.
so may every snowflake bring Christ to mind
and in every bit of white may you find
a reason to celebrate anew
and a reminder of His love for you.
- Holley Gerth
Praying your Christmas
and New Year are filled
with God's
many blessings.
all received one blessing after another.
John 1:16